Those "civilized" Persians, the children of one of the great ancient empires, have yet again shown themselves to be just another society stuck in the backward wasteland of fundamentalist Islam, the tribal trappings of the desert forever impeding the development of a modern society.
"Two Iranian sisters convicted of adultery face being stoned to death after the supreme court upheld the death sentences against them."
In a family of dysfunctional Muslim countries, Iran is the Grandfather of Dysfunction. With stories like this being unfortunately commonplace, it should be clear that Iran has no interest in being part of the community of nations, no interest in developing a peaceful nuclear program, no interest in stopping its support of terrorism, no interest in helping to create peace in Iraq, no interest in backing away from its aggression toward Israel.
Like the Wahabbis of Saudi Arabia and the Taliban of Afghanistan, the Iranians want to export their diseased beliefs, their horrific application of Sharia, across the region and eventually the world. We must remain steadfast in our confrontation with Iran, and make sure that they are not provided the opportunity to acquire or develop nuclear weapons.
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