The loser in this debate is science. In the words of Steven Chu, a Nobel Laureate in Physics:
"Good scientists are their own worst critics. They're always trying to prove themselves wrong, which is hard, because sometimes you've got an idea and you think you're right and you have to force yourself [to ask], 'Where are the weak points of this argument, or the weak points of my experiment?'"
The reason that the science of evolution by natural selection is challenged only by religious crackpots is that it has undergone scientific scrutiny since the publication of On the Origin of Species 150 years ago. The theory is overwhelmingly supported by available evidence.
When it comes to Man-made Global Warming - as opposed to global warming by natural causes - there is significant evidence for and against this theory. I want to see more evidence that is untainted by politics, the media and public hysteria. But this requires objective analysis on both sides of the debate.
You can therefore imagine my satisfaction at discovering the Climate Debate Daily website. At last, some balance! This website provides numerous articles in support of, and opposed to, the theory of Man-made Global Warming. I have yet to explore the site in depth, so I may find its claim of neutrality to be inaccurate, but my hopes remain high.
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