A Blog for the Logical-Minded

A Potpourri of Politics, Religion, Science, Skepticism and Social Commentary

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions."
- Thomas Jefferson

"The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next."
- Ralph Waldo Emerso

"The Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we CAN suppose."
- J. B. S. Haldane


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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jewish Dogs

The Koran teaches that Jews are - or are descended from - apes and pigs, as you can read about in this article. This is obviously insane if taken literally - as is often the case in the uneducated, brainwashed Muslim world - and is hateful, bigoted and destructive if taken figuratively - which is often the case in the educated, brainwashed Muslim world.

Let me just state as a disclaimer that obviously not all Muslims feel this way, but I have read a TON of books and articles concerning those who do. To those citizens of the non-brainwashed Muslim world: Thank you for not believing this garbage literally or figuratively, and we'd appreciate your help spreading the message.

It is on this sour note that I offer comedy as consolation. If Jewish apes and pigs need two more mammals for a "minyan," these dogs are ready to "daven."

Click on those links above for a quick Hebrew lesson.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Religious Belief and Practices in the U.S.

USA Today online has a very interesting interactive web page relating to U.S. religious beliefs and practices. You can visit it here.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Agnostic Bar Mitzvah Speech

This 13-year-old boy demonstrates a lot more wisdom than the millions of people of every creed who express fundamentalist religious beliefs, or absolute certainty in their unsupportable convictions.

Bill O'Reilly Goes Berzerk

This isn't new by any means, but it's funny nonetheless. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Al Qa'eda in Iraq Bans Women Buying Cucumbers

This story lives at the crossroads between insanity, comedy and cruelty. Some quotes from the article:

"(Al-Qa'eda's rules) include a ban on women buying suggestively-shaped vegetables."

"They regarded the cucumber as male and tomato as female. Women were not allowed to buy cucumbers, only men."

"Other farcical stipulations include an edict not to buy or sell ice-cream, because it did not exist in the time of the Prophet, while hair salons and shops selling cosmetics have also been bombed."

"They even killed female goats because their private parts were not covered and their tails were pointed upward, which they said was haram."

And on a less comical note:

"I saw them slaughter a nine-year old boy like a sheep because his family didn't pledge allegiance to them."

It's on this last note that we should be reminded why we must kick the crap out of Al Qu'eda wherever it rears its disgusting head.

No Reason...I Just Like This Image

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saudi Girl Executed for Becoming Christian

As if the world needed yet another example of the brutality and inhumanity of Islamist thugs, this story was reported by Israel Today:

A young girl in Saudi Arabia was brutally executed by her Muslim father this week after he learned his daughter had converted to Christianity.

Middle East business news website Zawya.com reported that the man, who is a prominent member of a "virtue committee," first cut out his daughter's tongue and held a one-sided religious debate with her. He then burned his daughter alive.

Observant Muslims hold that their Prophet Mohammed taught that Muslims who convert to any other religion must be killed, often in extremely brutal fashion.

When these scumbags treat their own daughters this way, what do you think they would do to yours?

Presidential Candidates' Space Policy

This blog has yet to endorse Obama or McCain, as both remain ripe for compliment or criticism, depending on what they say and do between now and November. But anything that either does that relates to the themes of this blog - science, religion, skepticism, general oddities - will be brought to your attention.

On that note, your reading assignment for today is Obama's space policy and McCain's space policy.

A disclaimer on the graphic above: This graphic is the weirdest image I could find online related to this topic. It does not, however, provide an endorsement of Obama.

Spaceship Could Fly Faster Than Light

The speed of light - about 670,616,629.4 miles per hour - is the ultimate speed limit of the universe, according to Einstein's theories and the vast quantity of supporting evidence and observation. As a result, this makes all but our most immediate cosmic neighborhood even remotely accessible. As a frame of reference, it takes light 4 years to reach the nearest star (other than the sun), and at the fastest speed currently attained by a manned vehicle, the journey would take about 110,000 years.

But maybe the ultimate speed limit can be "broken." Enjoy this article.

Corpse Kept Upright During 3-Day Wake

A picture is worth 1000 words. But if you want to read the story, click here.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Woman Covered in Ticks from Head to Toe on Ferry

Think twice before taking your next Italian ferry ride. Once you read this story, you'll probably prefer to swim across the sea.

Guitarist for the 70's Band Queen Publishes Astrophysics Thesis

I couldn't have made this story up, it's so unbelievable...and impressive!